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Connecticut College COVID-19 Archive

Documenting the Camel Experience

Rob Richter, Arts Programming


Rob Richter, Arts Programming


I am glad I have a job and can continue to work. I also feel some guilt because some of my staff cannot work remotely.


April 8, 2020


Mystic, Connecticut, United States


How did you feel when you were informed you would be working remotely the remainder of the semester?
I was glad I had a job and could continue to work. I also felt some guilt because some of my staff cannot work remotely and I had to inform them that they would be going on reserve status. It was difficult because we knew that there was plenty of work that they could do on campus and in isolation, but that was still not allowed.

What has been your experience working remotely? What's good? What's not so good?
At times it is hard to focus at home. But once I am focus and into a project that day flies by. And there are few distractions at home, since I live alone. But the loneliness can be a problem too. Some simple things take much longer to accomplish because I am not able to talk to people directly. Or there are more steps involved.

How has the virus (and the precautions taken to prevent it spreading) impacted your daily life?
I had just arrived in Portugal and Spain when the US announced the travel ban from Europe and when the college announced it was cancelling all events through April 30 and that classes would be going virtual. I was traveling on vacation. I ended my trip early and returned to the US about a week ahead of schedule. Upon arrival home I received an email from the college saying, that due to my travel I was not allowed on campus until I completed 14 days of self quarantine, which I had already planned on doing. I completed that quarantine period over 2 weeks ago now. Not much has changed, except I have taken some quick trips to the market.

How worried are you about getting the virus?
I am moderately worried. But I am a healthy individual and I think I would survive it if I got it. I am taking all the precautions that have been recommended.

Do you know anyone who has gotten COVID-19?
I know a few people who have gotten the virus, but none are local.

Are you staying in? What are you doing to pass the time?
I am staying in most of the time, except short trips to the market. And to keep my spirits up I take daily walks, even in the rain. Those walks can last anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours. I also take virtual yoga classes about 4 times a week. I have practiced yoga for about 4 years and I usually take 4 classes a week, but at a studio. The walks and yoga are hugely important. But it is a challenge to spend so much time alone. A few times a week I schedule virtual cocktail hours with friends, some who are local and some who live in other parts of the US or overseas.

Are you going out? Where do you go and what is it like?
I go out to the market and for walks. When I go to the market I try my best to keep my distance from other people. Not out of my own fear, but more out of respect for them. I try not to pick up things and put them back in the market. I feel if I pick it up I buy it. I have seen people in the market pick up multiple pieces of produce and put them back looking for just the right one. That bothers me. When I go for walks I give people a wide birth and they usually do the same. But I always try to give a friendly hello. My walks are quite often on trails in the woods near my home, around town.

What is giving you hope and/or strength right now?
I limit the amount of news that I read or listen too. I do not want to be overloaded with information. Physical activity helps. I generally feel like I am in good spirits. And at times I wonder how and why. Then I tell myself not to question it just be happy with it and continue on. I know that I am an emotionally strong individual and face adversity, I am a fighter and I am not going to let it win. And deep breaths help a lot too.

Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about what you're feeling or experiencing right now?
I have no family living in the area. My closest relatives live in the Seattle area. My mother is 90 and in pretty good health. She lives in a retirement community and they are on lock down. She has her own apartment, but she cannot leave it. There are cases of COVID-19 in her community. I worry about her. But I know that the community is being very smart and taking all precautions. I also know that my mother feels that she has live a good life and death is in the not too distant future, it could be this year or in 10 years, no one knows. But if she would contract COVID-19 and die from it we know she has lived a full and exciting life. I certainly would miss her, but I agree with her and glad we can talk about these things.


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