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Connecticut College COVID-19 Archive

Documenting the Camel Experience






I don't know if this is just me, but whenever I feel even vaguely different I have to Google the symptoms of the virus.


April 6, 2020


Massachusetts, United States


Did you change your spring break plans because of the virus? From what to what?
No international travels, but outings are distinctly limited to a small radius around the house. Most runs outside are weekly grocery shopping.

How did you feel when you were informed the remainder of the semester would be held online?
Disappointed, uprooted, displaced. Conn is a second home to me, to be ripped from my professors, friends, and roommates was crushing. Also, many of my extracurriculars were cancelled or downgraded, such as orchestra concerts and meetings, as well as clubs. My theater performance as an actor was cancelled, my work study can't be done remotely, my friends are all across the country and world, and classes are held remotely through somewhat successful video calls. It's hard to focus at home, and my classes have been distinctly restructured, particularly my theater class where our theater company is now spread around the world.

Where are you living for the rest of the semester? How did you feel about leaving campus? Or what's it like remaining on campus?
I'm living at home with my family. Leaving campus was stressful, emotional, and heartbreaking.

What has been your experience with moving classes online? What's good? What's not so good?
It's good that we can continue classes, and a lot of my classes are making do successfully, but there are obvious complications. Network, connection, technology, and time zones all affect our class time, and it's harder to focus at home through video. Material doesn't sink in as well, sometimes audio cuts out or video glitches, but we're able to mostly have class. Everyone is staying safe and healthy, which is most important.

How has the virus (and the precautions taken to prevent it spreading) impacted your daily life?
Increased anxiety about interacting, quarantine affecting mental health. Isolation from friends leaves me stranded, I feel isolated and alone. I'll be okay, I have hobbies and classes, and a general schedule, but I'm anxious about the health of my friends and family every day. Even at home, our family is kind of separate, worry puts us all in our own worlds. Everyone is trying to be nice now, supportive because they have a chance of public focus, but the acts of benevolence will disappear after the pandemic ends. And that's what's heartbreaking. After this, we'll move on and forget the essential workers pulling our society through, we'll forget the people struggling with out healthcare, we'll forget each other. We'll return to our regular lives, and those hundreds of thousands of people will have died in vain.

How worried are you about getting the virus?

Do you know anyone who has gotten COVID-19?
Not closely

Are you staying in? What are you doing to pass the time?
Staying in: read, write, draw, sing, watch shows, snack, cuddle my dog. Do a lot of homework. Play games.

Are you going out? Where do you go and what is it like?
Only go out for a walk around the block with the dog and for groceries. I don't go on grocery runs, but I hear it's weird. Like whole aisles empty , everyone's suspicious and panicking weird. Some places are limiting people and giving out gloves and masks, in others, it's a free for all. You have to grab essentials like eggs and meat and milk when you can, because they're never in stock long.

What is giving you hope and/or strength right now?
An idea of the future returning to normal

Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about what you're feeling or experiencing right now?
Increased anxiety, general coping strategies to reduce worry and panic. Limiting the news to morning and evening. I don't know if this is just me, but whenever I feel even vaguely different I have to Google the symptoms of the virus. Increased panic around health.


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