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Connecticut College COVID-19 Archive

Documenting the Camel Experience

Structured Responses


Structured Responses


Responses by members of the Connecticut College community to question prompts

Collection Items

Greer Hill '20, Government and Economics major
I'm grateful to how the Conn administrators and deans have handled everything. Their communications have been clear, frequent, and helpful.

I don't know if this is just me, but whenever I feel even vaguely different I have to Google the symptoms of the virus.

Libby Friedman, Dean of the College office
People in WW I and II and the 1918 Influenza epidemic also thought there was no hope - this too shall pass.

It is difficult to teach classes without getting as much instantaneous feedback from students.

I packed up my dorm and my friend's dorms, as they are European international students, and it was bittersweet.

Ellie Smith '20, Cellular and Molecular Biology  major
It is a blessing to spend time with my family before I move on to my next step in life.

Maureen Ronau, Chemistry
I can't be in contact with my grandkids, which is tough. But we chat online.

Isabella Sorrenti '22, Art History and Classical Studies  major
My friends and I have started to virtually "go to the library" in which we all Face Time and do homework.

Quite honestly schoolwork has provided a nice distraction from thinking about the virus.

Rob Richter, Arts Programming
I am glad I have a job and can continue to work. I also feel some guilt because some of my staff cannot work remotely.

It's painful to see classes that were my favorite not translate well online.

Whenever things happen on the news, it's easy to think how it will never affect you. It's much harder to think about your normal routine changing.

Oliver Holmes '20, Psychology major
Conn was not always my favorite place, but damn if I don't miss it like hell right now.

Jon-Robert Corasanti '20, Theater major
I'm building a giant boat in the basement and I'm making a beautiful song using the grand piano and my electric piano.

Hannah Lombard '21, Psychology major
On walks, it seems somewhat normal in nature but in stores and things the mannerisms of people are very different.

When the day comes I can hug my friends, I will remind myself to never take hugs for granted again.

Ali Plucinski '20, Government major
I have been impressed by the willingness of professors to go out of their way to make the situation as reasonable for students as possible.

I feel like I did not get the closure I needed before graduating.

Cameron Aaron '21, Computer Science and Psychology  major
I'm working at a startup to distribute PPE to healthcare workers

Tashayla Borden '21, Africana Studies & Psychology major
I got a small job making grocery deliveries. I help out senior citizens.

Adam Khan '22, Music Tech and Math major
It is so rare that so many people can relate to what you're feeling. I feel so alone but so does everyone.

Sara Rothenberger, Residential Education and Living
There has never been a time that I have seen a campus so empty and lacking it's natural vitality.

Elena Erdekian '20, Government and Economics major
We were told to leave as fast as possible and not drive through campus, so I wasn't able to catch a glimpse of Tempel Green on the way out

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